Xiaoning Huang

Traveller | Educator | QA

Hello! Hallo! 你好!

Welcome to my website! I'm delighted to have you here. As a passionate globetrotter and host, I'm thrilled to welcome people from all corners of the world and celebrate their fascinating diversity. I've spent many years of my life in both Germany and China, and these intercultural experiences have shaped my worldview. On my website, I invite you to join me in sharing my travels and experiences, reading about cultural encounters, and finding inspiration for your own adventures. Let's together celebrate the beauty of the world and the values of intercultural exchange. Welcome to my digital world!


"Die Welt ist ein Buch,
und diejenigen, die nicht reisen, lesen nur eine Seite."
- Augustinus von Hippo

The world is a book,
and those who do not travel read only one page."
- Augustine of Hippo